Each platform has its’ own rules and ways of sharing content. For example, a Facebook post will keep re-appearing on a user’s timeline as the post gets more likes or interactions, so there is no need to repost the same message, as the chances are users will start to see duplicate posts. On other platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, posts are less likely to re-appear on a user’s timeline, so you can repeat the post at a different time or on a different day to ensure it has been seen by as many people as possible.

Planning content for the coming month takes place a couple of weeks before the start of that month. This gives us plenty of time to receive any content from you, create images and write the posts. Once we are happy with the monthly plan and have all the posts written and graphics/images tailored to each platform, we will then begin scheduling.

If you have someone in-house managing your social media and you feel they could benefit from extra help and resources, we provide a social media training session, whereby through discussion and analysis, we give advice on how to plan a strong social media strategy and how to utilise all relevant social media platforms.

Of course, you have the absolute freedom to contribute yourself and add anything as you go along that you want your customers to know about.

Outsourcing social media management is an effective and efficient way of growing your online presence if you do not have the time to do it yourself or you are unsure where to start. Having your social media managed externally gives you more time to engage with customers face-to-face and build stronger relationships in person.

Yes, we have developed a strategy specifically for this purpose. It can generate a large number of followers cost-effectively using a particular type of Instagram story ads. You would require our PPC Silver Package for this service as our social media management services are predominantly for content generation and strategy. We would recommend you book a Free Consultation to find out more.

Absolutely, we are more than happy to get you up and running if you are unsure or simply do not have the time to set them up yourself. As part of the consultation process, we shall discuss which platforms you should be on and how they can be set up.

Yes – we highly recommend that you spread your marketing mix. We offer a 10% discount on your monthly bill if you use two different services at the same time and 20% discount if you use three or more services at the same time.

We work in partnership with several talented videographers. Having good ad creative can be hugely beneficial for Facebook ads. If required, we can help plan your entire photo shoots for you. Please note that this is not included in our package prices.

We use GoCardless as our payment processor which sets up a direct debit. The first payment and one-off setup fee is taken 4-6 days after signing up. Further payments are then taken automatically on a monthly billing cycle. You can view all your monthly invoices by logging into your account. Please note that package prices shown do not include VAT.